Mauris euismod ante a mauris ultrices malesuada. ivamus tempus gravida elit, eu accumsan dui consectetur sed. Phasellus ipsum risus, sodales ac mauris at, rutrum mattis purus. Aliquam aliquet magna quis justo.
Local development agency with over 10-years project management experience, including infrastructural & investment ones. It was a subcontractor in the HUSKROUA/1101/057 project responsible for external project & financial management in UA; customs & permitting procedures, documentation & all other project bureaucracy related issues.
Regional authority responsible for public control in the sphere of environmental protection, use of natural resources & radiation safety. It was involved in a number of cross-border cooperation projects as a partner.
The environmental NGO is active in the field of environmental protection, nature conservation and environmental education and is the administrator of the Tur River Protected Areas. EKESM’s personal have relevant professional experience in project management (HUSKROUA ENPI, HURO CBC, EU Structural Funds), assessment of water quality and biodiversity in aquatic and wetland habitats, planning of conservation
The organization is the successor of the former environmental authority. This organization was responsible for coordination and implementation two project in the frame of “Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Program 2007-2013” and one under the umbrella Hungary-Romania Cross-border Cooperation Program 2007-2013.